Shantadurga Deluxe

Packed up for the night. 

 - Brian Mendonca

A sea of samosas
awaits us 
at Shantadurga deluxe restaurant
-recommended by a vendor, 
her hands covered 
in jackfruit juice. 

The light wanes
as footpath sellers pack-up
All day they have been
shouting their wares
to passers- by. 
Now they are silent
Some defeated
Worried at the day's earnings. 

In huge sacks
they fill what is unsold
trinkets, slippers, whistles, tees
Hoping to have a better day tomorrow. 
A son helps his father 
pack the cavernous bags.
Sweat furrows
the forehead of another. 
The market is thinning out. 

From day to day
Uncertainty underlines existence. 
What will they eat tonight? 
From a housing society WA group
'The boys playing football
have damaged both our cars. '

(Mapusa market
17 June 2024) 
Pic taken by Brian Mendonca at Mapusa market. Updated 18/6/24.
