
 -Brian Mendonca

I was overjoyed yesterday when I got our sound system fixed at the service centre. The chore was hanging fire for over two months. House guests came and went but our sound system remained silent.

The helpful service staff asked me to only bring the main unit over to the centre. Not the speakers. In the pouring rain we navigated flooded streets to land up at Neogi Nagar, Panjim.

The problem was with the carriage. They replaced it then and there. I was diffident about attaching the wires back home. But they said it would be a breeze.

It was. Today amid the peace of Sunday I got the system working. We have been enjoying music the whole day. 

I noticed a word called 'Impedance' on the back of the main console. Still trying to figure that one out.
Pic taken by Brian Mendonca. 
