Denver omelette

Denver omelette

 -Brian Mendonca

With all the omelettes I have been making - kitchening in the mornings - it is a wonder I actually found something that grabbed my eye. I was surfing for a new recipe this morning at 8. The moment I saw 'Denver omelette' I fell for it. I could almost hear 'Country Roads' in the background. 

I liked the pleasing layout of the recipe and the pix that went with it. It seemed quite doable and yet had the level of challenge I was looking for. It was perfect for a slow cooking fest on a Sunday morning. 

Before I fill you in on the details, let me tell you it was wolfed down once it was made. I trialled it the first time and ate it myself. Then I made a second Denver omelette for Queenie and Dwayne.


To serve one.
Prep time - 40 minutes
Heat - small flame on simmer

Onions (1)
Spring onions (1)
Deutsche franks (1)
Olive oil

Eggs (2)

Turmeric (optional)
Chilly powder (optional)
Capsicums (optional)


Take a small non-stick pan and glaze it with olive oil. Chop the onions, spring onions and saute them in the oil.  Put in some salt. After the onions are browned, dice the Deutsche franks and chuck them in. Once they are done and the lovely aroma assails your nostrils slide it off the pan and keep aside after covering it. 

When the mix is being sauteed, shred the cheese cube/s. Break the eggs and whisk them. Put in some salt. For variation, at this point you may also add some turmeric and chilly powder in the egg mix to spice it up. However, that skews the original recipe. 

Now take a generous dab of Amul butter - you can also use Amul's garlic butter with herbs - and let it swivel in the same pan. Pour the egg mix on to the pan and let it set. Once it does put your shredded  cheese at one side and watch it melt in the heat. Use the spatula to see if the omelette will lift from the pan. 

Once the bed of egg mix is cheesy and ready, place your sauteed onions, spring onions and frankfurters on one side or in the centre. Tuck or flip the remaining part of the omelette to enclose the filling. 

Chop a tomato into slices and let them heat at the side of the omelette like a few Sukhoi Su30 MKIs escorting a Rafale. They also look good in the photo.

Eaten best with bread or roti.
Pic taken by Brian Mendonca at home in Goa on 30th Jan 2022. Base recipe by food blogger Neli Howard, 'recipe developer, photographer and author' at deliciousmeetsheathy(dot)com
