Sr. Alvina A.C.


 Sister Alvina A.C. with Queenie, Dwayne and myself.

Sister Alvina with Dwayne.

Sr. Alvina with Vanessa Mendonca, Maegan and Dwayne

-Brian Mendonca

This September we lost a wonderful teacher. Sister Alvina A.C. was laid to rest today at St. Jerome's church, Mapusa, Goa. Her visage serene and full of peace, she lay as though in sleep, with not a furrow on her face. She faced the altar, as though she was always prepared for the inevitable. 

I used to remember Sr. Alvina specially on Teachers' Day i.e. 5th September, for Sister was my teacher in school. That was in Mount Carmel School, Gandhidham, Kutch in Gujarat. I was there till my sixth standard in 1977. The memories of those years are so vivid. 

As a school boy I had a free run of the convent pantry as I used to inspect the larder for biscuits. Sr. Alvina used to always ensure that the tin was full. Even during our last, but one, visit to see her at St. Mary's, Mapusa we ate biscuits. We visited her on the eve of Teachers' Day. Queenie had baked her baath cake which we took along. Sister, though feeble, put on a brave face. She exuded warmth. She reached out and touched us with her healing hands.  As she caressed baba I felt her hands on my face too as she gently welcomed me to school as a lad of ten.  As we left she pressed some rosaries in our hand. 

She would always call for my birthday. In the later years it used to be just two words. But she never failed to remember. She was very close to our family and specially my mother. They used to have long chats together.  

When I visited Kachch, in the aftermath of the earthquake, in 2006, Sister was still in Gandhidham. She made my stay comfortable. She put me in touch with friends from school and they in turn rolled back the time. 

One thing I learned from Sister was not to waste time. If our conversation flagged she would immediately end it. She was very busy but was always available to all. Her immense faith sustained her - and us - through it all.

The post-communion solo by Ravi Carvalho was 'How Great Thou Art.' With Sister waiting to go home -- her race on earth run -- the third verse was all the more poignant:

When Christ shall come, with shouts of acclamation
And take me home, what joy shall fill my heart
Then I shall bow, in humble adoration
And then proclaim, my God how great Thou art.

In a beautiful service, the altar resplendent in gold,  the family choir sung in English and Konkani ending with the ethereal Jesus Bendito in Portuguese.

As Father pointed out while delivering the homily this evening, Sr. Alvina lived her vocation to the fullest. Today is vocation Sunday. Sister was a teacher, a catechist, and a down-to-earth person. It is a splendid example to follow. 
Top and middle pix taken while on a visit to Sr. Alvina A.C. (1938-2021) at St. Mary's convent, Mapusa, Goa on 4th September 2018. Bottom pic taken by Felix Mendonca at St. Mary's convent on 12th May 2019. Updated 21 September 2021. 
