-Brian Mendonca
A summer scent wafts
Over my shoulder
Couples at Worli seaface
Embrace the sunset.
In the dusk
Past Aarey
Full moon over Ramada.
The smell of furze
the heath of Goa,
-and the quiet hum
of Mumbai on the move.
Feast Day of Don Bosco
Maria Pitache
Prawn curry rice
and a cup of black tea.
(30 Jan 2010
Worli seaface, Mumbai)
Glossary: An Evening in Paris: a woman’s perfume; Aarey: Speakeasy for Aarey milk colony, a tranquil oasis of greenery in Goregaon East; Feast Day of Don Bosco: on 30 Jan, celebrated with Masses at the shrine of Mary Help of Christians, Matunga – where the poet was a boarder in Don Bosco high school (1977-1982); Maria Pitache: Vibrant Portuguese folksong by Goan pop icon Remo Fernandes and the title of an MP3 CD of ’Dance Masala’ being sold near the shrine of Don Bosco on the Feast day