Teaching instead of Texting

Creative Non-Fiction and Blogging: Teaching instead of Texting

Today’s students weaned on WhatsApp sometimes find it difficult to string together a correct sentence in English. Creative non-fiction or CNF is a good way to breach the studied nonchalance to forms literary. Couched in a reader-friendly format of topics of everyday interest, CNF helps students to identify with its content.  Trying their hand at CNF makes them more confident of using English. CNF works well in the classroom as the pieces are pithy, accessible, thought-provoking and interesting.

Blogging is a valuable aid to teaching. It transcends the limitations of brick and mortar classrooms.  When CNF is uploaded on a blog, internet technology is harnessed to push the aims of English language teaching (ELT). Reading a blog post on their android phones empowers students. There are 500 blog posts on my blog of various topics of CNF. Tailor-made content is developed on topics pertaining to syllabi of students to read at their leisure. In time students can be encouraged to post their CNF on their own blog.

This paper will explore CNF as a viable pedagogic tool and how it can be leveraged through blogging to engage the interest of students and improve their proficiency in the English classroom.

Keywords: CNF, blogging, media, internet

eng.age 1.0: National Seminar on Contemporary and Modern Trends in English Literature and Language. Parvatibai Chowgule College of Arts and Science, Gogol, Margao, Goa 2-3 April 2018. Pix taken at the venue.
